Capital Improvements and NRA Foundation State Fund Grant Funding

Capital Improvement Projects
Any request to support a project that seeks to improve a facility is considered a capital improvement*. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Berm improvements
- Clubhouse/Classroom facility improvements
- Shelter structures/covered firing lines/pavilions
- Road improvements
- Commercial-grade trap machines (see section regarding trap machines, below)
- Any other permanent improvement to an organization’s property or facility
* Please note that requests for items such as portable shooting points, like those used by JROTC units for air rifle training, are not considered to be a capital improvement.
Grant Requests Which Include Trap Machines
The NRA Foundation considers requests for certain trap machines to be a capital improvement to the facility. Specifically, requests for commercial grade trap machines that are designed to be a permanent fixture at a facility (regardless of their portability).
Additional Information
In addition to the required organizational documents (see Frequently Asked Questions, Completing the Application), applications for capital improvement grants must:
- Include submission of either a deed or lease for the property to be improved
- Substantially demonstrate a 501(c)(3) purpose relating to the capital improvement
- Applications from clubs or ranges requesting capital improvements must demonstrate how the proposed project will benefit qualified groups such as the Boy Scouts or other youth groups, schools, or local law enforcement agencies, or otherwise benefit the public at large.
- If your organization is not governmental or a 501(c)(3), provide a public benefit equal to or in excess of the amount sought
- Public benefit may be shown by qualified groups benefiting from the project or activity. For example, a project or activity that provides a benefit equal to or in excess of the amount sought to the Boy Scouts, a school, a local law enforcement agency, a veterans group, a 501(c)(3) religious organization, or other qualified groups may meet this requirement.
- Projects or activities that further amateur sports competitions may meet the public benefit requirement.
Please note, simply being open to the public, and charging the public for use, does not provide a public benefit.
Letters of Support from Benefiting Organizations
- Applications for capital improvements for non-government, non-501(c)(3) organizations will be asked to submit letters from benefiting organizations such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, FFA, law enforcement, ROTC or other military units, recognized charities, governmental entities, or other 501(c)(3) or equivalent organizations
- The letters must demonstrate how those organizations will benefit from this grant and also demonstrate how the improvements sought are necessary and required for those organizations to continue to use, or get more use out of, the facilities
- Applicants may be asked to provide up to three (3) such letters detailing the public benefit
- Applicants are encouraged to provide a letter from each such qualified nonprofit organization that uses the facilities
- The more an applicant demonstrates the public benefit, the easier it will be to approve the grant
Letters from clubs or ranges that describe how the project will benefit NRA members, club members, or potential members do not show a public benefit. Such letters will be disregarded, and you will be requested to provide additional documentation demonstrating a public benefit before the application can move forward.
Have Questions About Capital Improvements?
Please email your questions about grant eligibility to [email protected]
Ways of Giving
Gift of Guns
A gift of personal firearms will provide you with a tax-deduction for the value of the property.